Features in TamStat

Simple TamStat expressions can easily be entered in the session. However, more complex expressions are easier to create using one of the following wizards built into TamStat.
- Summary Wizard - Displays summary statistics for a named variable. An optional grouping variable may be assigned.
- Probability Wizard - Calculates event probabilities from a probability distribution or contingency table using the rules of probability. Display Venn Diagram graphics.
- Distribution Wizard - Calculate probability, critical value or theoretical values for any distribution. Also generate random variables from any distributions. Optional graphics.
- Statistical Tables - Build standard statistical tables including Binomial, Normal, t, F and Chi-Square. Users may also generate custom tables.
- Confidence Intervals - Find confidence intervals for various parameters using several confidence levels. Create comparison graphics.
- Hypothesis Wizard - Perform a one- or two-sample hypothesis test for various parameters and generate a report.
- Sample Size Calculator - Find the minimum sample size for estimating means and proportions.
- ANOVA - Perform a one-way or two-way Analysis of Variance test
- Regression Wizard - Perform a least-squares estimate to calculate the intercept and slope(s) for simple or multiple linear regression. Generate a report including R-Squared, standard error and other calculations.
- Chi-Square Tests - Perform tests of independence and goodness of fit.
- Bayesian Analysis - Calculate posterior probabilities given prior and and conditional probabilities.